The Non-Surgical Aesthetics Clinic Going The Extra Mile

The global non-surgical aesthetics market is predicted to grow to £5.1 billion by 2020, with many of us favouring less invasive and faster acting treatments that cause minimal interruption to our day-to-day lives. One such London-based clinic responding to this demand with expert knowledge and treatment is RJ Aesthetic, based in Ilford.

With the colossal surge in popularity where non-surgical treatments such as fillers, rhinoplasty, laser hair removal and Lipo reduction (to name a few!) are concerned, it can be mind-boggling when it comes to choosing a clinic you can trust and rely on to deliver the results you’re looking for. Three elements to look out for are:

  • Medical background and ample experience
  • Tailored and holistic approach to facial aesthetics
  • Welcoming and friendly manner

These are the philosophies encompassed by Dr. Rajesh Chadda and his team at RJ Aesthetic.

RJ Aesthetic – a unique approach to treatments

If you’re new to facial aesthetics and unsure about the types of treatments open to you, Dr. Chadda can offer free consultations during which you can have your questions answered without the pressure of deciding upon next steps there and then. Should you decide to go ahead with a particular treatment, a tailored treatment plan will be outlined, taking your overall health and skin aesthetics into account.

Dr. Chadda’s 18 years of experience as a doctor has allowed him to cultivate his knowledge of skin anatomy within the wider context of general health and aesthetics. His clinic is SaveFace accredited, a credential which recognises excellence and practice safety within the aesthetics world.

At RJ Aesthetic, no two patients are the same and treatment is entirely based around a client’s unique desires, expectations, health and aesthetic; the one element that remains a constant for every client is their emotional welfare and the quality of treatments delivered.

The range of treatments available include fillers, Botox, plasma therapy, laser hair removal, lip reduction and shaping as well as vampire facials which have recently seen huge popularity amongst celebrities.

RJ Aesthetic is a mere 2 minute walk from Seven Kings station and accessible via several bus routes that conveniently connect the clinic to the Wokingham area as well as Ilford.


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