Signs of an unhealthy gut & how to improve your situation 

Today, we will be looking at the symptoms of poor gut health and what steps you can take to remedy your digestive tract's immune system. 

Do you know how incredibly important it is to stay on top of your gut health? In the medical community, and over the last couple of decades of research, a tangible link has been found between gut health and other aspects of health such as the immune system, mental health, mood, skin conditions and even cancer. 

The traditional view of the digestive system and gut health being minute in the overall role in the body is no more as the essential body system’s true influence comes to the fore. Today, we will be looking at the symptoms to look for when trying to spot poor gut health and what steps you can take to rectify your situation. 

What is gut health?

Essentially, there are copious amounts of bacteria and microorganisms that live in your digestive tract. In fact, there are more than 300-500 different species of bacteria in the gut. These microorganisms are not harmful to the body and are incredibly beneficial. When maintained and stable, these bacteria help with symptoms of depression, combating obesity and much, much more. 

The gut’s health can be affected by a myriad of things such as high stress levels, sleep deprivation, too much processed foods, a high sugar intake, and even an adverse reaction to antibiotics. If your gut health falls into the red, you may see knock on problems with your brand, heart, skin, weight, hormone levels, and nutrient levels. 

The signs of an unhealthy gut

There are many signs of an unhealthy gut but we will be detailing the most common ones here today.

  1. Upset Tummy: This includes anything from gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea and heartburn. These problems occur because your gut health is no longer balanced and is struggling to process food and eliminate waste.
  2. High Sugar Intake: If you have a high intake of processed foods and sugars, you can affect the level of good bacteria in your gut. It also creates sugar cravings which further damages the gut. High sugar intake can also lead to inflammation. 
  3. Weight Changes: If you are seeing noticeable changes in your weight despite no clear change to your diet or exercise, then this could mean an unhealthy gut. Poor gut health will lead to your body not being able to absorb nutrients, control blood sugar levels, and store fat. 
  4. Upset Sleeping Pattern: Insomnia and poor sleep are also signs of poor gut health. This is because Serotonin, the hormone that controls mood and sleep, is produced in the gut. If this hormone is not being produced correctly, then your gut health is not where it should be and you will struggle to sleep. 
  5. Skin Problems: Skin conditions are also related to poor gut health. A poor diet and gut function can lead to proteins being sent to the wrong parts of the body. This can lead to skin irritation and cause conditions such as eczema. 

What can you do to improve your gut health?

There are a few things the individual can do to improve their gut health and begin the road to recovery.

  1. Lower Stress Levels: Lower your stress levels by practising meditation, going on long walks, getting a massage and just generally taking time in your day to relax and have a laugh. 
  2. Get Sleep: Make sure you are getting at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every single night. This will significantly improve serotonin levels and your gut health. 
  3. Eat slower: When you eat slower, you thoroughly chew your food and allow your digestive system to fully absorb nutrients thus promoting a healthier gut.
  4. Hydration: Plenty of water helps the mucosal lining in the intestines and helps balance good bacteria in the gut. 
  5. Diet Change: Your poor gut health may be as a result of your diet so a change may be in order. Reduce your intake in processed foods, sugars and high-fat meals and instead switch to high fibre foods and collagen boosting recipes. 

Gut health in conclusion

The human gut is so important to a person’s overall health that it can have an impact on your whole-body health. Keep an eye out for the symptoms above and consult a doctor if you feel like you need further advice on your gut health. 


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