Burning Calories Should Be as Fun as Eating Them

In recent years it has become ever more apparent that weight gain is a hot topic of discussion. We completely get it, it's tough. Who wants to think about calories while juggling work, kids, and life in general? Not many of us, that’s for sure.

But as we’ve neglected ourselves, so have our children. If your head is buried in your phone, chances are, your child will mimic you with whatever couch-enhanced technology they can get their hands on. All it takes is 60 minutes of exercise a day for a child to get the maximum benefits and only 150 minutes a week for adults.

First things first, ditch the phones and turn off Netflix. You can do it. Next, comes the fun part. The part where you’re inventing clever ways of staying healthy and fit, while creating great memories.

Outdoor activities can be a great way to get those calories burning. Here are a few top examples to help get those creative juices flowing in your cranial membrane.

  1. Get out there and play some football or basketball. Any sport really!
  2. Sign yourself up for tennis lessons
  3. Get the whole family to go on a bike ride to the park
  4. While at the park, set up a fun scavenger hunt for the kids
  5. Create an obstacle course
  6. Go rock climbing
  7. Ice Skating

If indoor activities are more your strong suit, then…

  1. Go rock climbing
  2. Take dancing classes
  3. Go trampolining(our personal favorite). It’s not just for kids any more folks
  4. Hula Hooping
  5. Rearrange the furniture and create an indoor obstacle course
  6. Freeze Dance. Get dancing and when the music stops, freeze.

The best part for doing all of this, you might ask? Well, it’s spending quality time with the people you love. As long as you are up, moving around, and laughing while doing so, you will be winning at life.


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  • Joanna says:

    Great article! I wish we could be more active, but between work and taking care of the kids it became quite hard to take time for other things as well. Been thinking of fun ways to incorproate this into our daily life. I’ll definitely check this list for ideas in the future thanks!